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Configuration of the documentation

Once you have installed files using the script, and before starting to render your documentation you will need some configuration to do:

Base mkdocs configuration

Normally, most configuration of mkdocs is done in mkdocs.yml file, but to be able to use a templated mkdocs.yml, most of the configuration is handled differently.

Now, it is the file templates/docs/_data/ which will handle the configuration. This file is automatically called with the mkdocs-macros-plugins. So, if you want to overload mkdocs configuration value, this is done through the file docs/_data/vars.yaml. An example of such content is provided in docs/_data/template/vars.tpl.yaml.

# Assuming you are at the root of the folder where you installed the documentation
cp docs/_data/template/vars.tpl.yaml docs/_data/vars.yaml
# Now edit the content of the copied file with your favorite editor
vim docs/_data/vars.yaml

The file is heavily commented allowing you to know what you are updating. Note that this part is optional, as most of the mkdocs.yml configuration is automatically set based on the git repo information (git remote origin) and repo variables.

Repo variables

Ensure a git remote origin exists

Before continuing, your documentation MUST be a git repository with a remote origin. Indeed, the script docs/_data/ will get remote information to have the repo_slug to know which file in docs/_data/ hold the repository information.

So assuming that your remote origin is https://mygit.tld/namespace/my_repo_slug.git (this work also for ssh remote). You will need to copy the template provided in docs/_data/template/repo.tpl.yaml in docs/_data/my_repo_slug and then update its content:

# Assuming you are at the root of the repo holding the documentation
cp docs/_data/template/repo.tpl.yaml docs/_data/my_repo_slug.yaml
# Then edit the content of the file with your favorite editor
vim docs/_data/my_repo_slug.yaml

You will need to update some keys in the repo file which will be used to automatically set mkdocs.yml configuration if not set in docs/_data/vars.yaml.

For instance key my_repo_slug['name'] will be used to dynamically set site_name key of the mkdocs.yml.

Below is an example of such file:

# Repo information
# ===========================================================================
# First key MUST be the "slug" of the repo based on the remote, i.e. if remote
# is git@git.domain.tld:username/repo_name.git, then the key will be
# `repo_name`.

  # An explicit name for the repo that will be shown on the documentation
  # page.
  name: "The Best Repo Name in the World"

  # (OPTIONATL) An extension of the explicit name with the namespace in which
  # the repo is. For instance, using above remote, the entry will be
  # `Username / Repo Name`.
  # This entry is not used in the configuration of mkdocs.
  #git_name_with_namespace: "Namespace / My Repo Name"

  # The complete path of the repo from the git_platform["url"]. For instance,
  # using, above remote, the entry will be `username/repo_name.git`
  git_slug_with_namespace: "namespace/my_repo_slug.git"

  # If the repo documentation is part of a bigger repo, then provide the
  # path of the rendered documentation. If the documentation is not part of
  # another repo, leave it empty.
  #url_slug_with_namespace: "subpath_for_url_renderin/repo_slug"

  # (OPTIONAL) Path, relative to `docs_dir` mkdocs config, to the logo of the
  # repo. If not specified, path will automatically be set to
  # `assets/img/meta/repo_name_logo.png`
  #logo: "assets/img/meta/repo_name_logo.png"

  # Description of the repo, will be used to setup the mkdocs description.
  desc: >-
    An explicit description to explain what my repo do. Can be a multiline
    description with **markdown** support such as
    [link](https://url.domain.tld) and more.

  # (OPTIONAL) If you plan to use `mkdocstring` plugins to render python
  # source code, you will need to provide the path where your source files
  # are relative to the root of the repo.
  #  - "src"

  # List of informations about the main maintainers that will be automatically
  # added to the license file in `docs/about/`
    - name: "Firstname Lastname"
      mail: "mail@domain.tld"

Subrepo Variables

If you are working on a big project, with multiple subrepo you might have or want to split the documentation such as each project hold its own but render all of them from a master repository.

An example could be an ansible collection which can be composed of a master repository holding specific files and folders holdings things like roles, etc. In this case, you might want to keep roles in other git repository (like git submodules) and each of the role holds its own documentation. But you want the final rendered documentation to include these repos.

This can be done via a file describing such subrepo, i.e. the file docs/_data/subrepo.yaml. To do so, copy the template provided in docs/_data/template/subrepo.tpl.yml.

# Assuming you are at the root of the folder where you installed the documentation
cp docs/_data/template/subrepo.tpl.yaml docs/_data/subrepo.yaml
# Edit the content of the file with your favorite editor
vim docs/_data/subrepo.yaml

Below is an example of file docs/_data/subrepo.yml for an ansible collection which roles are in folder roles at the root of the repo and such that roles documentation are include in the final documentation.

  # Folder where there are subrepo
    # Nav entry in mkdocs.yml from where the roles documentations will be
    # include. If the entry does not exists, it will be automatically added at
    # the end of the `nav`
    nav_entry: "Roles"
      # Specify that the role will be include to the final documentation
        # Provide a list of repo information
        - name: role_name_1
          nav_entry: My Role 1
          # You can provided both https or ssh url, but https is prefered for CI
          # to better work
          git_url: https://gitdomain.tld/namespace/subnamespace/my_role_name_1
        - name: role_name_2
          nav_entry: My Role 2
          # You can provided both https or ssh url, but https is prefered for CI
          # to better work
          git_url: https://gitdomain.tld/namespace/subnamespace/my_role_name_2

If you want to add link to external documentation, i.e. a link to the home page will be included in the nav of the main repo but their own nav will not be included, this can also be done with the file docs/_data/subrepo.yaml.

An example could be a main repo simply providing entry point to other repos, such as repo holding base content of Below is an example of the content of such subrepo.yaml file:

  # Folder where there are subrepo
    # Nav entry in mkdocs.yml from where the roles documentations will be
    # include. If the entry does not exists, it will be automatically added at
    # the end of the `nav`
    nav_entry: "My Programs"
      # Specify repos which documentation will be external
        # Provide a list of repo information
        - name: my_first_repo
          nav_entry: Example of First External repo
          # You can provided both https or ssh url, but https is prefered for CI
          # to better work
          git_url: https://gitdomain.tld/namespace/subnamespace/my_first_repo.git
          # Link to the external documentation, can be relative to the root of
          #the documentation of a full https link.
          online_url: /relative/to/root/documentation/
        - name: my_second_repo
          nav_entry: Example of Second External repo
          # You can provided both https or ssh url, but https is prefered for CI
          # to better work
          git_url: https://gitdomain.tld/namespace/subnamespace/my_second_repo.git
          # Link to the external documentation, can be relative to the root of
          #the documentation of a full https link.
          online_url: https://domain.tld/full/external/link/

Of course, both internal and external can be used as shown below (click to reveal).

  # Folder where there are subrepo
    # Nav entry in mkdocs.yml from where the roles documentations will be
    # include. If the entry does not exists, it will be automatically added at
    # the end of the `nav`
    nav_entry: "Roles"
      # Specify that the role will be include to the final documentation
        # Provide a list of repo information
        - name: role_name_1
          nav_entry: My Role 1
          # You can provided both https or ssh url, but https is prefered for CI
          # to better work
          git_url: https://gitdomain.tld/namespace/subnamespace/my_role_name_1
        - name: role_name_2
          nav_entry: My Role 2
          # You can provided both https or ssh url, but https is prefered for CI
          # to better work
      # Specify repos which documentation will be external
        # Provide a list of repo information
        - name: my_first_role
          nav_entry: Example of First External Role
          # You can provided both https or ssh url, but https is prefered for CI
          # to better work
          git_url: https://gitdomain.tld/namespace/subnamespace/my_first_role.git
          # Link to the external documentation, can be relative to the root of
          #the documentation of a full https link.
          online_url: /relative/to/root/documentation/
    nav_entry: "My Programs"
      # Specify repos which documentation will be external
        # Provide a list of repo information
        - name: my_first_repo
          nav_entry: Example of First External repo
          # You can provided both https or ssh url, but https is prefered for CI
          # to better work
          git_url: https://gitdomain.tld/namespace/subnamespace/my_first_repo.git
          # Link to the external documentation, can be relative to the root of
          #the documentation of a full https link.
          online_url: /relative/to/root/documentation/
        - name: my_second_repo
          nav_entry: Example of Second External repo
          # You can provided both https or ssh url, but https is prefered for CI
          # to better work
          git_url: https://gitdomain.tld/namespace/subnamespace/my_second_repo.git
          # Link to the external documentation, can be relative to the root of
          #the documentation of a full https link.
          online_url: https://domain.tld/full/external/link/

Thus, when rendering the documentation, the script docs/_data/ will check if folders roles/{role_name_1,role_name_2} exists. If they exists and are git repo, script will pull them to get the last version. If they do not exists, the will be cloned.

Finally, the script docs/_data/ will update the nav of the documentation with these repos and will load file docs/_data/repo.yaml of each repo allowing to access to the repo informations.

Extra variables

All of the above files will create variables which can be used in your documentation using mkdocs-macros-plugin. If you want to add extra variables which are not in vars.yaml, nor repo.yaml, neither in subrepo.yaml, you can do it by settings them in a file docs/_data/extra.yaml. Indeed, previously mentionned filed will be checked against a schema (provided in docs/_data/{repo,subrepo,vars}.schema.yaml), thus do not allow extra variables to ensure stability of script docs/_data/ while file docs/_data/extra.yaml is loaded as it is without schema control.

Variable usage

Finally, as describe above some variables are used for the configuration to render documentation. But they can also be use in your markdown documentation files using jinja template. For instance, below is a basic content of a markdown file showing the name of the main repo, its description and a list of roles and programs with their description.

<!-- Print the name of the repo -->
# {{ }}

<!-- Print the desc of the repo -->
{{ my_repo_slug.desc }}

<!-- Print a section and a table with repo information from subrepo -->
{%- for i_key in subrepo %}
<!-- Print the title of the section from `nav_entry` in subrepo -->
# {{ subrepo[i_key].nav_entry }}

<!-- Start the table with repo information -->
| Name | Description |
| ---- | ----------- |
{%-   for i_repo_type in subrepo[i_key] %}
{%-     if i_repo_type in ("external","internal") %}
{%-       for i_repo in subrepo[i_key][i_repo_type] %}
{# Get the content of the dictionary #}
{%-     set curr_repo = subs( %}
| {{ }} | {{ curr_repo.desc }}
{%-       endfor %}
{%-     endif %}
{%-   endfor %}
{%- endfor %}

My Main Repo Name

Description of my Main Repo


Name Description
Role Name 1 Description of the Role Name 1
Role Name 2 Description of the Role Name 2
My First Role Description of My First Role

My Programs

Name Description
My First Repo Description of My First Repo
My Second Repo Description of My Second Repo

You are now ready to write your documentation. Juste remember to not update content between markdown tags.

Moreover, later the main template may get upgraded (like adding new feature or providing new template content), to automatically apply this upgrade to your documentation see Upgrade.

And finally, you may want to provide your own template, with custom CSS for instance, or pre-fill index documentation page, to do so, set Setup Your Own Template

Last update: May 6, 2021
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