Data Privacy
In itself, Material for MkDocs theme use for this documentation does not perform any tracking and should adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Moreover, no third-party services are used in this documentation, i.e. it does not use google-fonts, google-analytics, neither Disqus.
Any rendering tools, such as mermaid, tablesort, lightgallery, MathJax, etc. are served locally without using CDN or call to external website. The aims are to :
- Render the documentation with stable tools (i.e. documentation may not be using latest version of previously mentionned tools),
- Avoid useless network requests to external CDN,
- Render the documentation even if the user (like me) has web browser add-on which filter javascript such as uMatrix.
Last update:
December 9, 2021