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Keepassxc-cli wrapper to ease the of CLI for database unlocked with key file.

Synopsis command [options]



The wrapper allow to use most keepassxc-cli command without requiring to provide the --no-password, --key-file <path> or the keepass database path as these information are stored with environment variables:

Variables Description
KEEPASS_DB Path to a keepass database, that must be unlocked by a keyfile
KEEPASS_KEYFILE Path to a keyfile unlocking the keepass database

keepassxc-cli is the command line interface for the KeePassXC password manager. It provides the abil‐ ity to query and modify the entries of a KeePass database, directly from the command line.


  • add [options] <entry>
    Adds a new entry to a database. A password can be generated (-g option), or a prompt can be displayed to input the password (-p option). The same password generation options as docu‐ mented for the generate command can be used when the -g option is set.

  • analyze [options]
    Analyzes passwords in a database for weaknesses.

  • clip [options] <entry> [timeout]
    Copies the password or the current TOTP (-t option) of a database entry to the clipboard. If multiple entries with the same name exist in different groups, only the password for the first one is going to be copied. For copying the password of an entry in a specific group, the group path to the entry should be specified as well, instead of just the name. Optionally, a timeout in seconds can be specified to automatically clear the clipboard.

  • diceware [options]
    Generates a random diceware passphrase.

  • edit [options] <entry>
    Edits a database entry. A password can be generated (-g option), or a prompt can be displayed to input the password (-p option). The same password generation options as documented for the generate command can be used when the -g option is set.

  • estimate [options] [password]
    Estimates the entropy of a password. The password to estimate can be provided as a positional argument, or using the standard input.

  • export [options]
    Exports the content of a database to standard output in the specified format (defaults to XML).

  • generate [options]
    Generates a random password.

  • help [command]
    Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information about the specified command.

  • import [options] <xml>
    Imports the contents of an XML database to the target database.

  • locate [options] <term>
    Locates all the entries that match a specific search term in a database.

  • ls [options] [group]
    Lists the contents of a group in a database. If no group is specified, it will default to the root group.

  • mkdir [options] <group>
    Adds a new group to a database.

  • mv [options] <entry> <group>
    Moves an entry to a new group.

  • rm [options] <entry>
    Removes an entry from a database. If the database has a recycle bin, the entry will be moved there. If the entry is already in the recycle bin, it will be removed permanently.

  • rmdir [options] <group>
    Removes a group from a database. If the database has a recycle bin, the group will be moved there. If the group is already in the recycle bin, it will be removed permanently.

  • show [options] <entry>
    Shows the title, username, password, URL and notes of a database entry. Can also show the cur‐ rent TOTP. Regarding the occurrence of multiple entries with the same name in different groups, everything stated in the clip command section also applies here.


General options

  • --debug-info
    Displays debugging information.

  • -k, --key-file <path>
    Specifies a path to a key file for unlocking the database. In a merge operation this option, is used to specify the key file path for the first database.

  • --no-password
    Deactivates the password key for the database.

  • -y, --yubikey <slot>
    Specifies a yubikey slot for unlocking the database. In a merge operation this option is used to specify the yubikey slot for the first database.

  • -q, --quiet <path>
    Silences password prompt and other secondary outputs.

  • -h, --help
    Displays help information.

  • -v, --version
    Displays the program version.

Merge options

  • -d, --dry-run <path>
    Prints the changes detected by the merge operation without making any changes to the database.

  • -f, --key-file-from <path>
    Sets the path of the key file for the second database.

  • --no-password-from
    Deactivates password key for the database to merge from.

  • --yubikey-from <slot>
    Yubikey slot for the second database.

  • -s, --same-credentials
    Uses the same credentials for unlocking both databases.

Add and edit options

The same password generation options as documented for the generate command can be used with those 2 commands when the -g option is set.

  • -u, --username <username>
    Specifies the username of the entry.

  • --url <url>
    Specifies the URL of the entry.

  • -p, --password-prompt
    Uses a password prompt for the entry's password.

  • -g, --generate
    Generates a new password for the entry.

Edit options

  • -t, --title <title>
    Specifies the title of the entry.

Estimate options

  • -a, --advanced
    Performs advanced analysis on the password.

Analyze options

  • -H, --hibp <filename>
    Checks if any passwords have been publicly leaked, by comparing against the given list of password SHA-1 hashes, which must be in "Have I Been Pwned" format. Such files are available from; note that they are large, and so this operation typically takes some time (minutes up to an hour or so).

Clip options

  • -t, --totp
    Copies the current TOTP instead of current password to clipboard. Will report an error if no TOTP is configured for the entry.

Show options

  • -a, --attributes <attribute>...
    Shows the named attributes. This option can be specified more than once, with each attribute shown one-per-line in the given order. If no attributes are specified and -t is not specified, a summary of the default attributes is given.

  • -t, --totp
    Also shows the current TOTP, reporting an error if no TOTP is configured for the entry.

Diceware options

  • -W, --words <count>
    Sets the desired number of words for the generated passphrase. [Default: 7]

  • -w, --word-list <path>
    Sets the Path of the wordlist for the diceware generator. The wordlist must have > 1000 words, otherwise the program will fail. If the wordlist has < 4000 words a warning will be printed to STDERR.

Export options

  • -f, --format
    Format to use when exporting. Available choices are xml or csv. Defaults to xml.

List options

  • -R, --recursive
    Recursively lists the elements of the group.

  • -f, --flatten
    Flattens the output to single lines. When this option is enabled, subgroups and subentries will be displayed with a relative group path instead of indentation.

Generate options

  • -L, --length <length>
    Sets the desired length for the generated password. [Default: 16]

  • -l --lower
    Uses lowercase characters for the generated password. [Default: Enabled]

  • -U --upper
    Uses uppercase characters for the generated password. [Default: Enabled]

  • -n --numeric
    Uses numbers characters for the generated password. [Default: Enabled]

  • -s --special
    Uses special characters for the generated password. [Default: Disabled]

  • -e --extended
    Uses extended ASCII characters for the generated password. [Default: Disabled]

  • -x --exclude <chars>
    Comma-separated list of characters to exclude from the generated password. None is excluded by default.

  • --exclude-similar
    Exclude similar looking characters. [Default: Disabled]

  • --every-group
    Include characters from every selected group. [Default: Disabled]


main method doing the wrapper around keepassxc-cli




Arguments Description
$1 string, command to pass tokeepassxc-cli`` $1 string, command to pass to keepassxc-cli
$@ string, list of options to pass tokeepassxc-cli`` $@ string, list of options to pass to keepassxc-cli


  • 1 If variable KEEPASS_KEYFILE or KEEPASS_DB is not set
  • 2 If file corresponding to variable KEEPASS_KEYFILE or KEEPASS_DB does not exists
  • 3 If user command is not supported by the wrapper
  • 4 If Command output is empty


Print debug message in colors depending on message severity on stderr

Echo colored log depending on user provided message severity. Message severity are associated to following color output:

  • DEBUG print in the fifth colors of the terminal (usually magenta)
  • INFO print in the second colors of the terminal (usually green)
  • WARNING print in the third colors of the terminal (usually yellow)
  • ERROR print in the third colors of the terminal (usually red)




Arguments Description
$1 string, message severity
$@ string, message content


  • Log informations colored

Last update: April 23, 2021
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