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Setup keepass wrapper script and variable to ease use of keepassxc-cli


Install a symlink from .direnv/src/ to .direnv/bin/keepass to be able to use script wrapper as keepass command. Also export some required variable used by the script. Finally ensure that exported variables are valid, i.e. the keepass database can be unlocked using keepass keyfile.

REMARK: Keepass script require a keepass database that is unlocked by a file, not by a password !

Parameters in .envrc.ini are:

Name Description
KEEPASS_DB Absolute path to a keepassxc database
KEEPASS_KEYFILE Absolute path to a file to unlock keepassxc database
KEEPASS_NAME (optional) Explicit name for the database, like perso, pro, etc., which can be used in your prompt



Absolute path to a keepassxc database, you can use ~, ${HOME} or even ${DIRENV_ROOT} to define path relatively. The database cannot be unlocked with password when using script, be sure to configure it to be unlocked using file.


Absolute path to the file that unlock the keepass database defined in KEEPASS_DB.


An explicit name, like perso, pro, etc. Useless for script It is export only to be used in your prompt (like in PS1). If not set, value of this variable will be the filename of the KEEPASS_DB.

.envrc.ini example

Corresponding entry in .envrc.ini.template are:

# Keepass module
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set keepassxc environment variable to be able to use the keepassxc-cli wrapper
# provided in `.direnv/src/`.
# Specify the path to the keypass database
# Specify the path to the keyfile unlocking the keepass database
# Specify an explicit name in an environment variable to be able to use it in
# your shell prompt.

Last update: April 23, 2021
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